Friday, January 25, 2008

I can't believe there still obsessed with this.

I don't know if any of yous watch the ABC news but there was
a segment last night about how - shock horror! - only 6% of
executives are women.
Oh the horror! You see this is a terrible thing! All these women
have a education & opportunities & yet they are still not as many
of them in "high powered" positions.

Why do people think this is such a big freaking deal? If women still
choose not to be workaholics who cares?
I don't think they will be happy until 50% of women are
executives but that ant gonna happen.

women have this unfortunate tendency to kids & drop out of the workforce,
return part time or go off & start a small businesses.

The only way to keep up with the men is to be deliberately barren
- like Julia Gillard said she was because she didn't think she could
handle being a politician & having children.
Fine for women like that who choose to be barren but a lot of
women don't want to be childless.

"I am childless and I am angry. Angry that I was so
foolish to take the word of my feminist mothers as gospel.
Angry that I was daft enough to believe female fulfillment came
with a leather briefcase.
It was wrong. It was crap. And Malcolm Turnbull has a point.
God forbid!" Virginia Haussegger

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

i mean really?

Who whould of thought they'd make a quiz out of this?

Catholic Quiz: What Kind of Catholic Are You?

You scored 86, on a scale of 0 to 100. Here's how to interpret your score:
0 - 25
You are a Centering Prayer (very progressive) Catholic. More about you.
26 - 50
You are an Ignatian Exercises (moderately progressive) Catholic. More about you.
51 - 75
You are a Divine Office (moderately traditional) Catholic. More about you.
76 - 100
You are a Daily Rosary (very traditional) Catholic. More about you.

You Are a Daily Rosary (Very Traditional) Catholic
You'd like the church to revive the time-honored devotions, liturgical practices, and strong institutional discipline that prevailed before the Second Vatican Council—and you're hoping that Pope Benedict XVI will lead the church in exactly that direction. Your favorite hymn is probably a traditional Latin composition such as the "Panis Angelicus," and your favorite pope is probably a pioneer of the Church's great liturgical tradition such as Gregory the Great. You loved "The Passion of the Christ.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

what to write about - bitching?

So I'm thinking what should this blog be about? Should i use it to whine about being single? you know up until a year ago i didn't mind being single. i liked it. now i hate it. i feel like my time is running out & i'm getting old & crusty.


So i think i will make an effort to use this blogg more. I might use it to write about stuff that doesn't fit in my LJ & myspace.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Nothing here. go away please